Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Prayer Request

I found out earlier during school that the dad of one of my really good friends (the dad of two of my really good friends, actually, since they’re twins) died last night. I knew him well, so this is like a double whammy for me: I’m hurting not only because they’re hurting, but because I knew him and I am, therefore, hurting for my own loss too.

So I just ask for prayer because that’s about all there is do right now. He was a Christian and the family is a strong Christian family, but I know that a death, and especially a sudden death like this, has the potential to rock your faith in God and His power and love.

Please pray for peace, for comfort, and for continued strong faith in God as they grapple with the why’s and the how’s of his death.

Please pray that I will not be afraid (more on that later) and that I will have the strength to help them however they may need help.

Thank you! And if you have any prayer requests, comment them below!

Jesus wept. 
-John 11:35


  1. I pray thatg the peace of God and the comforting Holy Spirit may rest upon you right now giving you everlasting peace in Jesus name, Amen.
