Dakota: Well, it's not
written in crayon anymore, for one thing. Haha, I use a computer now, instead
of scribbling in notepads held together with tape. Erm, I suppose it's become
more mature, hopefully more in-depth and involving....but probably not. ;)
Bria: My
voice has certainly improved as I’ve been writing. When I first started to
write consistently about two years ago, I was childish in my writing. I liked
to make my writing seem clever by telling jokes. Of course, this didn’t make my
writing clever; it only made me look stupid for sacrificing the story for petty
jokes. And now, instead of that, I sound like this. Let me tell
you: this is much improved. The only way this evolution in my
writing came about is because I write, so write. There’s no way to become
better at writing if you never write.
Ravena: I used to fill up notebooks. Now I use a laptop. (On a
serious note... I like to think I've gotten better, that I'm using less
unnecessary words and am able to end up a piece of writing which is closer to
what I imagined in my head. I can't really say though. I mean, it happens over
such a long period of time, evolution, that sometimes it seems like nothing has
changed at all. Oh no wait... nothing has changed at all. I still write like I
did when I was eight. *Cries.* Let's move onto the next question :)
My writing evolves constantly as I get older and my writing improves. It also
evolves based on my current major influences and inspirations, as well as my
9. How do you feel about
teens being published/self-published?
Dakota: It's awesome!!
:D I applause them with a vigor spurred by both jealousy and pride. I SALUTE
THEE, SIR!! And madame. ;)
Bria: Respect.
I am nowhere near publishing anything (besides blog posts). I have so much
respect and admiration for teens (anyone, really) who can control and motivate
themselves enough to not only finish something, but to publish it too. If
you’re reading this and you’ve published something: you’re awesome!
GIANT HUG. Good for them for proving the stereotype all teens are lazy
dodobrains (yes I made that word up) is wrong.
I think it's awesome, but only if they have talent. I'm always drawn toward
books written by teens, I feel that they have a pulse on how teens actually
think, and do. Better then a 30 year old woman. I'm not saying that the 30 year
old woman doesn't have any talent, but sometimes a teen just hit's it on the
I think it’s great that teens are published. It’s valuable experience, and it
shows that creativity isn’t restricted by age.
10. How do people
react when you tell them you write, if you tell them at all? If you don't like
to talk about it, why?
Dakota: If I tell
them, they're usually like, "Oh, that's cool. What do you like to
write?" If I don't tell them, it's b/c I don't think they'll
care/appreciate it, or b/c I'm still insecure/self-conscious about what I'm
writing. Also b/c doing something, no matter what it is, without anyone knowing
about it, gives whatever you're doing a secretive, dramatic, spy-like feel, and
makes it 10x more fun!! :D
Bria: People know
that I like to write, but not many people realize that I want to be a writer.
This is probably partially due to one of my friends. You see, I told one of my
best guy friends that I wanted to be a writer. He looked at me and he was
confused. “Why?” he said. I told him, but the confusion didn’t go away. “Why
would you want to do that?!” …yup. Just so you know: this guy is not a jerk.
Some people just don’t understand.
Ravena: I hate telling people I write, unless they're other
writers. People don't understand how much it means to me, or they
generally tend to think I'm strange (I've only talk about it with a few of my
closest friends (hi Asli, Mariana and Jodie) plus my mum but she doesn't
count.) I guess I don't want to bring it up, because I feel weird.
I don't really tell people. Writing is more of a hobby for me, then a serious
thing. When I tell my friends there okay with it. I don't really bring it up,
because it's kind of hard to bring it up without bragging, so I don't unless
I'm asking for advice or trying to work out a plot point.
11. How would you like
people to treat teen writers?
Dakota: As equals? As
interesting people that matter? As individuals with more things to say and more
creative ways to say it than most people realize? Something like that, I
Bria: Respect
would be nice. And encouragement. We are going after our dreams and an
awareness of that would be awesome. Awareness by way of less homework would be
especially nice. Hint, hint, cough, cough.
Ravena: Like royalty. Only joking (a little.) I would like people
to encourage teen writers, but take us seriously too. Is that possible?
People should give teen writers a chance. We don’t all write high school dramas
or vampire novels. There are some extremely gifted young writers who are just
as good as older writers and they deserve to be taken as seriously as anyone
12. What is acceptable
content for a teen to be writing in your opinion? (Eg. genre, romance elements,
age etc.)
Dakota: Hmm, anything
but smut. SMUT MUST NOT BE WRITTEN!! BY ANYONE!!! EVER!!! But especially by
teens. Mature (in body) and independent as they may be, THEY'RE STILL JUST
KIDS!! Basically, anything you wouldn't want your parents, or grandparents, to
read, you probably shouldn't write it.
Bria: I
don’t know. I’ve never thought about this. Generally, I don’t write characters
who are older than me, because I don’t know if an eighteen-year-old will have
different thoughts than little sixteen-year-old me. But that’s just me.
Ravena: I think anything is acceptable. Teens know about the
goodness and the badness in the world, and all the little bits in between. They
should be able to write whatever they want.
Basically anything, except hardcore erotica or any romance novel where the
characters aren't teens.
In terms of content, I hate smut in books from any age, but I think it’s something
teens especially should avoid because it reaffirms stereotypes about young
13. What advice do you
have for teen writers who are just starting off?

"Let's eat
Let's eat,
You see????
Oh, and one more
thought; A cup of tea (or coffee, but mostly tea) is a writer's best friend. ;)
Bria: You tend to hear the same advice so I’m going to try
to throw something new in. “Don't let anyone look down on you because you are
young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in
faith and in purity.” (1 Timothy 4:12, the Bible) Don’t be discouraged and
don’t believe that others are better than you simply because they are older and
“wiser.” I’ve read plenty of books written by people who should be old enough
to realize their writing stinks. (That sounds harsh, but we all know it’s true.
Some people write bad books.) Get yourself some confidence, get your writing
out there (blogs, contests, etc.), and live by this quote from
Ray Bradbury: “If you want to write, if you want to create, you must be the
most sublime fool that God ever turned out and sent rambling. You must write
every single day of your life. You must read dreadful dumb books and glorious
books, and let them wrestle in beautiful fights inside your head, vulgar one
moment, brilliant the next. You must lurk in libraries and climb the stacks
like ladders to sniff books like perfumes and wear books like hats upon your
crazy heads. I wish you a wrestling match with your Creative Muse that will
last a lifetime. I wish craziness and foolishness and madness upon you. May you
live with hysteria, and out of it make fine stories –science fiction or
otherwise. Which finally means, may you be in love every day for the next
20,000 days. And out of that love, remake a world.”
Ravena: Don't
ever give up, no matter how many rejections you get. And there's no rush to get
published. Some of our favourite authors weren't published until they were
waaaay out of their teens, but look how happy they are now!
Jane: Take inspiration from everything. Write
different things until you find the one that's your fit. You don't have to be
an author to write, just write. If you’re good, good for you, if not that's
okay because no one has to see it.
I advise young writers to practise constantly. It’s the only way to get better.
Experiment with other genres you don’t usually write in, and read lots! Reading
different genres from different periods from an array of different authors also
helps a lot. Keep exercising your creativity. Challenge yourself to be inspired
by anything – this helps avoid writer’s block. It gives you a chance to
discover what works and what doesn’t. Also, do not get stuck in one genre
(especially fanfiction!)
There you have it! Do you agree with any of it? Do you disagree with any of it? Tell me, I command thee.
It's really cool that all y'all did this interview. It's nice to hear from other people with the same dreams, especially people my own age! And thanks, Bria, for sharing that verse from Timothy; it's one of my favorites. Also, that Ray Bradburt quote is epic. Woulld you ever consider posting some of your fiction on this blog? I'd love to read it.
DeleteIf you want to read some of my fiction (and it sounds like you do), I will post some. Thank you for reading. And yes, I LOVE that Bradbury quote. I've written it in practically every notebook I own. It's just so awesome.